Thursday, November 25, 2010

Monalisa painting facts

Look carefully at the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. If you look closely enough at the background behind the Mona Lisa, then you will notice that the landscape behind her simply isn't even. On her left hand side, there are tall spiky mountains and on her right hand side there are trees of some kind. And in-front of the trees there is a river of some kind flowing towards you. Now look at the bottom of the mountain and the trees on her left and right. Shouldn't the land be straight and not having one (the land underneath the mountains) higher than the other (the land underneath the trees)? It is made to represent the sacred male and female, left was always associated with females so he lowered the land to make her look more graceful and raised the land on the male, or right, side to make her look not as graceful and more male, and the name also represents the male and female egyptian gods of fertility. Amon and Isis, (also known as L'isa).
comes to history
The Mona Lisa is 16th century oil painting created by the renowned Leonardo da Vinci. The work of art depicts an enigmatic woman gazing at the viewer, and it is said that if you move across the room while looking into her eyes, they’ll follow you. It is definitely one of the most popular paintings worldwide and has been the center of many artistic, religious, and theoretical debates. The French government currently owns the Mona Lisa and it is featured at the Musee du Louvre in Paris. The painting can also be referred to as La Gioconda or La Joconde.

The name of the painting stems from the name of the woman in the portrait, Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy businessman in Florence, Italy named Francesco del Giocondo. Mona means ‘my lady’ or ‘madam’ in modern Italian, so the title is simply Madam Lisa. Art historians agree that Leonardo da Vinci likely began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503, and completed it within 4 years. In 1516 the King of France, King Francois, bought the painting and it is thought that after Leonardo’s death the painting was cut down. Some speculators think that the original had columns on both sides of the lady, whereas other art critics believe that the painting was never cut down in size. It has been suggested that there were 2 versions of the Mona Lisa painting, but many historians reject the second version. The duplicate copy can be found at the Dulwich Picture Gallery. After the French revolution the painting was moved to the Louvre, and Napoleon had it placed in his bedroom for a short time before it was returned to the Louvre. The popularity of the Mona Lisa increased in the mid 19th century because of the Symbolist movement. The painting was thought to encompass a sort of feminine mystique.

In 1911 the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre. The art thief hid in a broom closet until the museum closed, stole the painting, hid it under his jacket and walked out the front door. Eduardo de Valfierno was the mastermind behind the theft and has planned to make copies of the original and sell them as the real thing. Eventually, in 1913, he was caught when trying to sell the original to a Florence art dealer. The Mona Lisa is most famous for her facial expression, her enigmatic smile and da Vinci’s mastering of tone and color in the painting. There is much mythology and interpretations relating to the painting that mystify the world. Many art critics and art history buffs suggest that the Mona Lisa is actually a portrait of da Vinci himself in feminine form. In addition, most viewers see the meaning behind Mona Lisa’s smile very differently. some photos are


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mummies of the world

      Mummies are found during Egyptian civilization, people in 20th century may not have much knowledge about mummies.Mummies have been found all over the world ,in some place like China , egypt ,etc. And egypt is the most important place where we find mummies  foundation .Mummies occur when the body is dried after death.Actually we know that when the body is left in the atmosphere bacteria will decompose the dead body,so in egyptian technique the body is dried and wrapped with some chemicals . If this thing is done to the body it will remain as husk of what a person looked before his or her death.Mummies have been fully preserved in ice,snow,bogs and mud.
    Egyptian kings often ordered jewels and even wives to be placed in tombs, so that they could bring them along on their spiritual journey.In order to dry the body all the internal organs such as kidney,heart and liver are removed.And then salt is added to dry it further and then the corpse is covered with sawdust.
Bodies were often painted and massaged to make them supple, then stuffed and perfumed before final entrance into a coffin.
      Some of the real photographs of mummies are shown below:


Amazing houses around the world

Houses are meant for living in our point of view,but in some countries they build their houses in not in a normal manner ,their way of construction differs from the normal way . some pictures taken from various part of the world are shown below

We use shoes for protecting our foot but people use for living purpose , this shows how they use it. This is one of the different one
Another interesting one is the house which is tilted downwards that means the roof facing the ground and the basement on the top. Let's see the below photograph

Then houses in between the hills

We think that ships are meant for travelling across the sea and oceans but in extraordinary manner they built for housing purpose , this is some how unusual and amazing one.
Then comes to animals , we consider some animals as our pet and some are wild animals we leave that one.
In some places they uses animal houses that means house with some animal's body shape and face,here come the photograph which all will like

And some other extraordinary houses are houses constructed like a musical instruments, flying saucer (alien spaceship),in the form of fruits,etc

An unique Baby bonnet

We have seen many bonnets which are made up of cotton fibres and cloth material.But the above picture shows one of the baby hiding inside an animal,the baby considered that animal as a shelter . This was one the unique photograph.